Scheduled Maintenance the Path to 200,000 Miles

Scheduled Maintenance the Path to 200,000 Miles

Cars, trucks, and SUV’s last longer today than in earlier times. The average age of an auto on the road in 1995 was eight years. Today, the average is about 11 years. People are getting more from the cars today than ever before. There are many factors such as advances in electronics, design, and engine technology. Some things do not change but grow in importance. More than earlier times, the key to a vehicle that lasts is keeping up with the regular scheduled maintenance. As well as, ensuring you get quality repairs when necessary.

⇒  What is Regular Scheduled Maintenance? ⇐

The guide to regular scheduled maintenance has two parts, the manufacturers recommended service and schedule, and the adaptation you must make to suit your driving style, habits, and pattern of usage. You can help keep your car in great shape by using the proper instructions. If you do a lot of city driving, then you should apply the schedule that covers heavy usage. Similarly, if you live in a hot or cold area, you should account for the conditions such as cold weather starts that can cause excessive wear.

→ The Manufacturer

The manufacturer’s recommendations come with the vehicle instructions and are often available online. They indicate the recommended mileage intervals for routine steps like oil changes and inspections. The adaptation will require the help of a knowledgeable automotive technician. Some little-noticed steps advised by manufacturers could play an important role in avoiding big repairs. For example, keeping tires inflated properly is important to tire tread life, but also to the delicate steering, alignment, and suspension balance.

Electronics are a growing part of the manufacturer’s equipment that helps the car keep track of its condition, The network of sensors and the on board control computer run the car and also detect signs of problems. The check engine light activates its alarms when sensors send information to the computer.

→ The Technician

In 1995, the average automotive repair worker would have been a certified mechanic. He and she would have a lot of formal training and a lot more time under the hood developing an ear for bad noises and an eye for the beginnings of excessive wear. Today, a qualified technician must add familiarity with on board computers, software, and electronic diagnosis.

Vehicle scheduled maintenance is the key to getting long, productive life from your automobile. It is a significant investment for most car owners, and getting the most out of the purchase is a key to financial well-being as well as safe and happy driving experience. You must have an excellent technician as your partner in long-term scheduled maintenance.

→ Quality Parts

You must act with the idea that you will keep your car for a long time. You can add accessories that make it more comfortable and useful, and items that may have come after you bought your car such as backup cameras. When parts wear or need to be replaced, then it is critical to get the right replacement parts. The right parts include getting high-quality parts when replacements occur, and not settling for temporary type fixes and a keeping a regular scheduled maintenance.

⇒ Owner and Technician Teamwork ⇐

Owners can help the technician hone in on any trouble spots. A great habit all vehicle owners should strive for is to increase awareness of their vehicle’s condition. For instance, owners should look at the ground after parking for some hours to see if there are signs of oil or fluid leaks. You can open the hood occasionally and look for signs of wear in the belts and hoses.

When operating your vehicle, you may hear here odd sounds or detect an unusual odor. These are important pieces of information for your technician. You should note the conditions in which these events occur such as speed or how long you have been driving. Noting information about the condition of the vehicle can help the technicians pinpoint the source of the problem. This habit can help find problems and also reduce the costs of repairs.

⇒ The Path to 200,000 Miles and More ⇐

Modern vehicles have a great potential for long life, and 100,000 miles is no longer the general limitation for carefree driving. Your vehicle can go far beyond, and the electronic and computer-based scheduled maintenance helps the driver play a vital role in early detection of problems. Once your vehicle achieves the scheduled maintenance for 100,000 miles or more, then you should engage your mechanic and technician on a schedule for maintenance that incorporates the vehicle age, mechanical condition, weather conditions, and driving pattern.

You and your automotive technician should add additional inspections or things to watch based on all the available facts. Today’s automobiles have advanced oils, lubricants, rust proofing, and wear resistant finishes. When added to an involved owner working with a well-trained and knowledgeable technician, then you have a path to 200,000 miles and beyond.