
5 Money Saving Gas Tips You Need To Know

5 Tips to Save Money on Gas

If you’re like most people, the warmer weather gives you the fever to hit the open roads for a vacation. While gas prices tend to be a little higher than usual, there are things you can do to save on the highways so you can make that family trip possible. Of course, the most cost-effective measure is buying a hybrid automobile that considerably saves on gas consumption, or even an electric vehicle is excellent. However, most people can’t afford to buy a new car just because the gas prices increase.

Gas Saving Tips

Have no fear, as we have some proven ways for you to save on your gas consumption. Some of them might seem a little silly, but every penny counts when you’re paying around $4 per gallon, which is currently the national average. These tips can help you cut out frivolous spending that you might even realize you were doing.

1. Keep Your Tires Inflated Properly

If you have one of the newer cars, you’re all too familiar with the mandatory tire pressure monitoring system. This system will let you know when your tire inflation levels drop below 25 percent when cold. However, if you’re tire drops below the 20 percent mark, it won’t always alert you if the tire is warm. Sadly, this can cause you greater fuel consumption.

There are very few reasons to have lower tire pressure, and it should be reserved for things like sandy beaches and icy roads. If you keep your tire pressure too low, it can cause a blowout, as well as premature tire wear. However, you’re also going to use more gas when your tires aren’t properly inflated.

According to the US Department of Energy, you will lose one percent of your gas mileage for every psi that your tires are low. If you run your tires at the manufacturer’s recommended psi, you can improve your gas mileage by over three percent.

2. Follow the Speed Limit

No one wants to follow the speed limit precisely, as going five over is considered the average amount you can go without getting a citation. However, the speed limits were set to 55 mph all those years ago because of a significant oil crisis that occurred in the 1970s. It’s silly for sure, but they even banned Christmas lights during that time.

While the speed limits on most highways are between 55-70 mph these days, you will be shocked at how much more mileage you will get per gallon if you go slower. The more you accelerate, the more gas you will use. When you’re flying down the interstate going 75-80 mph, you’re raising the air resistance on your vehicle, which results in higher fuel consumption.

Your automobile uses more energy when you put more pressure on your engine, and the average car has a threshold of 75 mph, though this can vary. So, if you’re traveling faster than your auto’s threshold, you’re wasting precious gas.

3. Avoid Warming Up or Cooling Down Vehicle

When your car is running idle, you’re getting zero mpg, which means you’re burning pure gas to run it. Idling your car to keep it cool or warm is a total waste of money. When you use all these extra features like heated seats, turbo power, and defrosters, you’re also increasing the amount of energy use, which will increase your gas consumption.

4. Remove Things That Increase Resistance

When you’re heading on vacation, the rooftop carrier becomes an excellent option for all the stuff you need. However, when trying to save on gas, you should avoid these aerodynamic storage containers. Your vehicle’s fuel economy will tank when you put one on your car. Now, if you have a smaller automobile and need storage space, it’s better than renting a vehicle, but be careful.

Some tests were conducted to see how these carriers affected gas consumption. Would you be shocked to learn that a Nissan Altima traveling 65 mph used over 48 mpg? That’s insane when you look at it from that point of view. You can count on at least a 19 percent drop in your fuel economy, which will add at least an increase of around ten mpg.

5. Turn The AC Off

Lastly, people think that turning their AC off will save money on their gas consumption, but this isn’t always the case. Should you use the AC system in your car or rely on Mother Nature to keep you cool? Well, your AC will use more gas in your vehicle, but rolling the windows down isn’t always the right thing to do. See, when your car is driving under 50 mph, it’s better to have the windows down and the AC off.

However, if you’re going over this threshold, the air coming inside your car’s cabin will create drag. This drag will use just as much if not more fuel consumption than the air conditioner. If you want to save, roll the windows down in the city and use the AC on the freeways.

However, the health and comfort of all the people inside the cabin must also be considered. If someone has health issues or breathing problems, it’s always best to turn the AC on and consider other ways to save.

Final Thoughts on Tips to Save Money on Gas

Hopefully, the gas prices will soon return to an acceptable level. However, regardless of the cost of the pump, you should always look for ways to improve your fuel economy. What tips can you use to save money on gas during this fuel crisis?