Gadgets Every Driver Needs

8 Gadgets Every Driver Needs for Their Car

Gadgets Every Driver Needs

Do you need a holiday gift for someone special this year? Why not buy them a car gadget? Most people spend a lot of time behind the wheel of their vehicle, so buying them some devices to improve their ride is a must. There are a few hot gizmos on the market right now, as it’s the in-thing for drivers to accessorize.

Finding the Right Gadgets for Your Vehicle

While spending a ton of money on things you might use is effortless, you must ensure you need the item. Impulse buys can often be a mistake as they’re seldom used. It would help if you asked yourself a few questions before making a purchase, such as:

•Is this gadget something I will use?
•Am I getting good value for my money?
•Do I need this item, or is it purely a want?
•Will this gadget enhance my safety, or is it for pleasure?

By answering these four questions, you can make an informed decision. If you’re ready to buy, here are eight things that will make your life on the open road much easier.

1. Heated Ice Scraper

The weather here in the Tar Heel State doesn’t get as cold as in other states, but you will still have your fair share of window scraping. A heated scraper is a game changer for the early morning driver. Forget those large scrapers that give you a workout to remove the ice.

A heated scraper glides across your windows with ease. You can quickly remove any ice and be on your way. You can opt for a battery-powered one or get one that plugs into a USB port.

2. Emergency Auto Tool

Should you ever need to escape your vehicle quickly, you might need this gadget. It has a hammer that can break through the tough glass on your car and comes with a seat belt cutter. These devices also have flashlights and become emergency reflectors in an accident. They are small enough to fit in the glove box but are undoubtedly handy when you need help on the roadways.

3. Gel and Memory Foam Posterior Cushion

Back and neck pain is often aggravated by driving. Thankfully, grabbing a posterior cushion is the answer. Pillows with cooling gel can help when your back pain is unbearable, and the memory foam hugs every inch of your spine. It’s one gadget you should consider if you make frequent long trips.

4. Hands Free Devices

In North Carolina, no one under 18 can use a cell phone while driving. For adults, it’s no texting or emailing allowed. Just because it’s not illegal to talk on the phone doesn’t mean it’s safe. Many new cars are equipped with hands-free calling via Bluetooth, but not all vehicles have this feature.

Investing in a hands-free device is advisable. It allows you to focus on the road and not the phone. It takes a split second for you to have an accident, so it’s best to ensure you have no distractions. Plus, some areas have laws against cell phone use, so if you travel, you want to comply.

5. Wireless Diagnostic Code Reader

Cars have computer systems that indicate when there’s an issue. Everyone dreads seeing that check engine light illuminated on the dash. You need to know if it’s safe to drive and might need more time to go to your local mechanic. So, having a diagnostic code reader is the best choice.

These devices aren’t costly and can quickly tell you what’s going on with your vehicle. It can give you peace of mind and save on tow bills if you invest in this gadget.

6. Dash Cameras

If you’ve been on social media, you know how necessary a dashcam is nowadays. Not only can these devices help show proof in an accident, but they can protect you in court. You often need proof for all the little incidents on the roadway and having a dash cam is like a witness that provides an honest view of what happened.

7. GPS Tracker

Automobile thefts are up 41 % according to the Winston-Salem Journal. Having a GPS tracker on your car is brilliant. You can easily track your vehicle and help police find it should you be one of the unlucky ones who is a victim. Plus, if you have teenagers, it takes on a whole new level of importance.

8. USB Tire Inflator

You never know when the tire might need air. The cold weather can often mess with your PSI, but you need to be proactive. A tire inflator that can easily connect to your USB gives you the power to take care of the issue without a hassle.

Have you ever driven around trying to find a tire pump and didn’t have the correct change? This eliminates all those issues and can gets you enough air to get to the closest mechanic.

Gadgets Are No Substitution for a Mechanic

While you can buy inflators and scanning tools to make your life easier, nothing will replace the need for a skilled mechanic. At Cloverdale Auto, we help people with tire issues, engine overhauls, and everything in between. Your safety is our top concern. If you have a problem with your vehicle, give us a call at 336-331-3448.