auto maintenance

Should I Keep My Auto Maintenance Records?

Auto maintenance is critical for keeping your car, truck or SUV running as it should. But did you know it is important to keep your auto maintenance records? Why should you keep these documents and how can they help you?

Your Vehicle Maintenance Records Can Save You Money

auto maintenanceWhen your vehicle undergoes routine maintenance or even specific auto repairs in a Winston-Salem auto shop, your receipt is your record of these services. If your vehicle breaks down or experiences other problems after the service, these records can come in handy. Auto maintenance and service is often guaranteed, such as for a year after that work takes place.

As an example, if you get your oil changed, you may not think it is important to keep your receipt. But if you leave the auto maintenance shop and the “oil service” light illuminates on your dash, something could be wrong. With your receipt, you have the documentation you need to access the auto shop’s service guarantee.

Of course, this is a minor example. If you have major repair work done on your vehicle or purchase expensive parts for replacement, it is more important to keep this documentation.

Vehicle Maintenance Records Help Your Vehicle Hold Its Value

Maintaining your car, truck or SUV as you should helps it keep its value. This benefits you a great deal when you decide to put it on the market for sale in Winston-Salem or trade it in at a dealership. People want to buy well-maintained cars and trucks, as these are less prone to break down and endure longer. With good records, you can prove how your vehicle is worth its full resale or trade-in value.

At the negotiating table for your new car, you have more power when you have maintained your trade-in well throughout its lifetime. This can mean real cash value and shave hundreds, if not thousands, off your new vehicle price.

It Is Easy to Forget Auto Maintenance

Keeping auto maintenance records is important for recalling specifically what work has been done. You have a busy life and it can be difficult to remember when you last had the oil changed. You can also forget whether that tie rod you had replaced was on the driver’s or passenger’s side of the vehicle. Having these documents works great for recalling other information, too. You can easily find part numbers and mileage counts between routine service.

Auto Maintenance Can Be Tax Deductible

If you use your car, truck or SUV for work, you can possibly deduct your auto maintenance costs. You need to talk to your accountant about specific rules and how these apply to you. But having the documentation comes in handy in April, when you need proof of how much your business use of your vehicle costs you.

Organize Your Auto Maintenance Documents for Real Benefit

The best way to keep up with your auto records is to have one folder dedicated to these documents in your desk, home office or even the vehicle, itself. Even placing an envelope in your glove box can make staying organized easy. Make a point of always placing your receipts in the designated place to enjoy future payoffs of doing so.

Of course, the biggest factor in reaping the financial benefits of keeping your vehicle documents is getting that service done, in the first place. In Winston-Salem, North Carolina, schedule your oil change, tire rotation or other service today. Call Cloverdale Auto Service at 336-331-3448.

It’s our goal to be the very best at what we do. At Cloverdale Auto Service we are committed to taking care of our customers in the same manner we care for our families and friends. That means providing you with the highest quality of service that will ensure safe and reliable transportation.