exhaust system

How Your Vehicle’s Exhaust System Can Be Dangerous

Your Vehicle’s Exhaust System Can Be Dangerous

Is your muffler loud, or do you smell pungent fumes when you turn on your automobile? Your exhaust is an intricate part of your vehicle’s emissions system, and when it fails, it can be quite dangerous to you and those around you. This system is imperative for top engine performance.

Have you ever had a muffler get a hole in it, and people could hear you coming for miles down the road? It’s quite an embarrassing situation, but what’s even more sinister is how dangerous it is to leak harmful fumes into the atmosphere.

The lethal carbon monoxide fumes that come from this system can be overpowering. You must know the potential dangers of having a faulty exhaust system and why you should fit it right away.

Dangers of a Bad Exhaust System

You’re in line behind a car at your local fast-food restaurant that’s omitting toxic odors from the exhaust. You smell the fumes, and they’re overpowering your ability to breathe. You cough, choke and do anything to get fresh air into your cabin.

You’re experiencing carbon monoxide fumes, which can be deadly. Thankfully, you’ll only encounter them for a brief few moments in line, but long-term exposure can be catastrophic. Keeping your exhaust system in perfect working order affects you and those around you. Here are five things you’ll notice when you have a flawed exhaust system.

1. Poor Fuel Economy

When your exhaust system is damaged, your engine can’t work correctly. Thus, you will experience a reduction in your gas mileage, which affects your wallet. Paying more at the pump is something no one wants to do.

Many people think they don’t have the money to fix the exhaust, or they don’t want the downtime to mess with it. Sadly, not fixing it costs you more on your fuel economy.

2. Backfiring and Sputtering

When the exhaust system is lackluster, your engine may backfire, sputter, or lack power to drive correctly. It’s possible to stall out if the situation is bad enough. Since your engine needs proper oxygen to function, the buildup of toxins also affects this vital component.

This system provides backpressure that keeps the engine running correctly. You will notice the difference when this backpressure is reduced from a faulty system. It’s certainly a problem you can feel and smell.

3. Inability to Pass Emissions Testing

Currently, 48 counties in NC require emissions testing to renew your registration. Although, the state is moving towards making more counties require this test to renew. A simple hole in your muffler can keep you from getting your tags renewed, especially if you can’t pass this test.

Many people don’t know they can be fined when their exhaust has issues. While the fine isn’t astronomical, you can be ticketed for having an exhaust system that’s too loud.

4. Getting Sick

When your exhaust leaks, it’s omitting toxins into the air. However, these pollutants can make you very sick if you’re driving around town with the windows up. In fact, even if you roll your windows down, they will still impact you. Carbon monoxide is a killer; if the fumes are harmful enough, they can overcome you.

5. Check Engine Light Stays On

While it’s not dangerous when your check engine light is illuminated on your dash, it’s annoying. If your vehicle should develop another issues, this constant light may keep you from discovering the other problem. Your car’s computer can throw many codes; you might ignore them if you assume it’s just for your faulty exhaust.

This light is on because your car’s engine is having problems. Typically, we see codes between P0400-P0408 when it’s related to the exhaust system.

Exhaust Fumes Health Risks

According to a study by Iowa State University, all it takes is a 1.28% concentration of carbon monoxide to cause death. It would take three minutes to succumb to the fumes at this level.

Your car is built for a smooth, quiet ride, so your cabin is airtight. While that’s great for noise reduction, it’s troublesome, considering that exhaust fumes can build up quickly.

Anyone who’s experiencing carbon monoxide poisoning can experience the following:

● Respiratory distress
● Eye irritation
● Confusion
● Nausea
● Headaches
● Coughing and breathing trouble
● Coma or death

Seeing this list makes you think twice about that annoying hole in your muffler. While you keep thinking that you can go a little bit longer as it’s not too loud, it may be destroying your breathing abilities while driving.

Getting Your Exhaust Fixed

A delicate balance of oxygen and fuel is required to keep your car’s engine running smoothly. When the ratios are out of whack, it can cause your engine to malfunction. You’ll smell it when your vehicle has an exhaust leak, as it’s hard to ignore.

Sometimes you might smell an aroma of gas from the exhaust, while other times, it’s a smell that’s overwhelming but hard to describe. If you have any issues with your exhaust, it’s best to have a professional investigate the matter to ensure you’re safe. Please don’t put off such repairs because of time or money, as it’s costing you more in the long run.

Schedule an appointment today at Cloverdale Auto, and we can ensure your exhaust is safe.

PSI and Tread Depth

Why Managing PSI and Tread Depth is Essential for a Safe Ride


Managing PSI and Tread Depth is Essential for a Safe Ride

As the weather changes here in the Winston-Salem area, you must check your tires. This area of the country gets an average of 45 inches of rain each year, which is seven inches more than the national average. Did you know that it takes your car 2-3 times longer to stop on wet roads than on dry ones?

Though we only get a few inches of snow in the region, the cooler temperatures and rain can cause nightmares for travelers. Your tires work with the brakes and road to use frictional force to stop the vehicle. Adding rain to the mix increases the stopping distance, which means you must be proactive and ensure your tires are in good shape.

Now, to further complicate things, if your tires don’t have the proper tread or air, they cannot grip the road as it needs to, and this adds to further delays in stopping.

Understanding Tire Tread

Your tires are at their best when they’re new. The tread starts to diminish as you run on them for a while. Rotating your tires is essential as the front tires do all the pulling in a front-wheel drive, and the back ones are just along for the ride.

There’s more wear and tear on the front tires. Rotating them ensures they’re evenly worn. Your tread depth is 8mm new but keeping the depth around 4.8mm for a used tire is recommended.

If the depth of your tire goes below 3mm, it’s time to replace them. A low tread means that your braking distance is longer, so if someone slams their brakes in front of you, it’s harder to stop. Additionally, having the appropriate tread keeps your car from hydroplaning and sliding when it’s raining outside.

The overall handling of your automobile is better when your tires have the proper tread. The tread is specifically designed to lead the water away from the tire, which helps you stop without sliding. Once those grooves wear out, the vehicle has a more challenging time stopping.

Understanding Tire Pressure

Every vehicle has a suggested tire pressure that helps it to run efficiently. Your tire pressure may seem just like a number, but it’s vital to many aspects of safety and a smooth ride. There are many things affected by incorrect pressure, and here are a few things to consider.

1. The Lifespan is Greatly Diminished

First, it will affect the lifespan if you don’t run your tires on the proper psi or pounds per square inch of air. Since tires are pretty expensive these days, you want to keep them rolling as long as possible. Here are some other things your tire pressure affects.

2. The Comfort of Your Ride

If your tire pressure is too high or too low, it will affect the ride. When it’s too high, less of the tire is meeting the road’s surface, so the ride will be bouncy and uncomfortable for passengers. If it’s too low, it can be bumpy due to more tire hitting the road. The psi recommended by the manufacturer is for optimal performance and comfort.

3. Gas Consumption Increases

When your tires aren’t properly inflated, they will develop a bulge in the middle, which means more rubber meets the road. This makes it harder for your car to go, and thus it requires more power. The more energy you use, the more gasoline your vehicle will consume.

Even if your tire’s psi is off by a mere one percent, it can have a three percent effect on your gas consumption. It probably doesn’t sound like a whole lot initially. However, if you consider that the average person drives 12,000 miles a year, this will cause an increase of $145 at the gas station.

Now, what if the tires were off by 2-3 psi? The amount of gas used would only grow. With gas prices constantly increasing, saving where you can is essential.

4. There are Numerous Safety Concerns

If your tire pressure is too low, there will be more friction because the tire is touching the ground more. All this friction means more heat and wear on the tires. Have you ever experienced a blowout?

You may have hit something on the road, but it might have been caused by your tires not being correctly inflated. See, the tread can separate under the intense heat from working harder and cause a blowout.

Final Thoughts on Tire Pressure and Tread

There are more than 250,000 people that call Winston-Salem home. When you consider how many folks are on the roads each day, it’s imperative to have a car that’s road worthy. When the colder season sets in, you want to ensure that your automobile is safe for you and those driving around you.

While this area doesn’t get much snow, we certainly get a lot of rain. Any moisture on the road slows your stop times and reduces visibility. It would help if your tire tread and pressure were according to manufacturer recommendations to ensure optimal performance.

If you need a tire inspection or to ensure that your tires are at the right psi, stop by and see us. We can quickly identify tire issues that can keep you from having an accident on NC’s busy highways.

driving tips

9 Defensive Driving Tips For Summer

9 Defensive Driving Tips For Summer

The summer vacation season kicks off on Memorial Day weekend. Plenty of people will flood the streets in North Carolina going to and from the beaches and mountains. With the influx of traffic in this state, you want to be careful and use defensive driving. People don’t always follow the road rules, so you need to be extra cautious to protect your family.

Defensive Driving Tips

In football, you have defensive and offensive players. The best offense is a strong defense, and this works on the roadways too. Some folks don’t go the speed limit, don’t use turn signals, do improper lane changes, and run red lights.

Since these drivers are so irresponsible, you must be on guard. Defensive driving means that you’re ready for any dangerous situations that might come up. You’re always watching for the mistakes of others that could cause you to have an accident. Here are a few defensive driving tips you need to utilize.

Driving Tip 1. Keep Your Distance

Keep two car lengths distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. Some say to keep 2-3 seconds between you two, but you can measure it out to at least two car lengths. Should the vehicle in front of you put on its brakes and you rear end them, you will likely be cited for unassured clear distance. Ensure there’s enough space keeps you out of harm’s way.

Driving Tip 2. Slow Down During Rain

Rain can be just as dangerous to drive in as snow and ice. People think they can still go at the same speed when the roads are wet, but it’s not wise. You should reduce about five mph during the rain, ensure your wipers are going, and headlights are on.

Driving Tip 3. Avoid Other’s Blind Spots

Each vehicle has a blind spot. If you get into these sections on the roadways, you increase your chances of getting hit. Become familiar with these blind spots on common vehicles, and make sure you stay out of these areas for your safety.

Driving Tip 4. Be Careful in Intersections

One fallacy people have is that a yellow light means to speed up. A yellow light is a warning to clear the intersection as the light is about to change. Many accidents happen when people try to hurry through the light to keep from waiting, so you must watch out for other drivers.

Another traffic light issue comes when the light turns green. Just because you have a green light doesn’t mean you can go. You must ensure the intersection is clear and no one is still trying to pass through. This often happens when people try to make a left-hand turn across traffic, and they would rather take it on a yellow or red. You can get into a major accident if you don’t look before you leap.

Driving Tip 5. Stay Focused and Alert

While it’s tempting to push yourself to go the extra mile, or you want to drive even though you’ve had little rest, it’s not a good idea. It would help if you were focused and alert while on the highways, so don’t drive when you’re sleepy.

Additionally, it’s not safe to eat, text, talk on the phone, or do other activities that can distract you from what’s going on around you. North Carolina has laws regarding cell phones. First, it’s illegal for anyone to text and drive. Drivers under the age of 18 are not allowed to use their cell phones while operating a motor vehicle. A hands-free device is always best to keep your attention on the road.

Driving Tip 6. Properly Maintain Your Automobile

Did you know that many roadway accidents here in Winston Salem happen because of mechanical issues? If a car breaks down in the middle of the road, it causes other drivers to slam on their breaks to prevent hitting it. It’s not always possible to move a car to the berm for safety, which creates a big problem.

Part of driving defensively means having your automobile in top shape. Here at Cloverdale Auto Service, we ensure our customers get the highest quality of service to be safe on the roadways.

Driving Tip 7. Avoid Excessive Lane Changes

You need to make lane changes, especially when passing a tractor-trailer. However, excessive lane changes can cause an accident. You must never pass on the right, even if the left lane is blocked and moving slowly.

Driving Tip 8. Avoid Road Rage

You’re frustrated because you’re running late, your passengers are restless, and you just want to get to your destination. However, you should never take it out on the person who just cut you off on the freeway. Road rage is a dangerous game, and it can cost you heavily.

Just three months ago in the Lumberton area, a man shot a woman traveling from Pennsylvania because they engaged in road rage. People don’t always play nice on the roadways, so you must be careful and avoid such interactions.

Driving Tip 9. Always Assume the Worst About Other Drivers

One of the biggest problems on the roadways is assuming. You assume that the intersection will be cleared, the car beside you will stay in their lane, and everyone will drive safe. However, the worst thing you can do is expect everyone to do what they should, as this sets you up for trouble. When you assume anything, you let your guards down, which can cause an accident.

Final Thoughts on Defensive Driving

Keep your eyes on the road and put your phone in your pocket. Make sure your car is ready for the roads this summer by having an inspection and tune-up. Our highly skilled technicians give consistent automotive services to our valued customers so that you can be safe on the roadways.

Warming Up Your Car

4 Reasons Warming Up Your Car is a Bad Idea

When temperatures plummet in the Winston Salem, North Carolina area, warming up your car is what people do before heading out. Sure, no one wants to touch an icy steering wheel or sit in frigid seats, but is this comfort measure better for you than it is your vehicle?

Why You Should Reconsider Warming Up Your Vehicle?

The weather in North Carolina isn’t nearly as cold as some other states. However, it can be challenging to adjust from temperatures in the 90-degree range to those just above freezing. There’s nothing like a toasty car with clear windows to make your commute more manageable, but here are some reasons why warming up your car isn’t a good idea.

1. Contaminates the Environment

Air quality is a big issue, especially if you live closer to the big cities like Winston Salem. Greenhouse gas emissions destroy the atmosphere and send pollutants into the air, which is a known factor for climate change. When your car is running idle, you’re wasting fuel and sending the toxins in the air that not only destroy the planet but also are harmful to your lungs.

Now, this isn’t just a problem in the winter season, as people cooling down their car in the summer can cause just as much of an issue. Even sitting in traffic waiting for the light to turn or an accident to clear can cause these emissions. Did you know that vehicles are responsible for almost two percent of the greenhouse gas emissions released into the air in this country? It’s shocking to consider that a vehicle can do so much damage.

2. It Uses Extra Gasoline When Warming Up Your Car

You already know that when you let your car idle, it’s going to use extra gas, but did you know that you can damage your cylinder walls? When your vehicle is running for more than ten minutes without moving, you run the risk of the gas making its way into these walls. Here, the fuel has the potential to sweep the oil from the engine, which can cause excessive wear and tear.

If warming up your car is a must, there’s absolutely no reason to let it run for more than 5-10 minutes. Even most remote starting systems are set to turn off after 15-20 minutes of running. It doesn’t take too long for the engine block to heat up and provide heat to your vehicle, so don’t let it idle unnecessarily.

Additionally, the prices of gasoline continue to rise. With prices well over $3.00 a gallon, do you have extra money to throw away? You can save yourself a great deal of money. A study by WBTV found that the average vehicle uses a gallon of gas each time a car warms up. If you do that once a day, this will cost you roughly $21 a week, or $84 a month.

3. Causes Unnecessary Wear and Tear on the Engine

Did you know that your car will warm up quicker when you get in and drive it compared to warming up your car? Letting it sit and run idle will take longer as driving heats up the engine faster due to friction. When you let your car sit and run idle, it’s not good for your overall engine health.

An article published by Popular Mechanics states some shocking facts. These experts say that a vehicle that doesn’t go through the normal warming-up phase will last longer than one that’s let run idle continuously. You can prolong the life of your engine by getting in and going, regardless of the temperature. Since a new engine or vehicle replacement is quite expensive, it’s worth considering.

4. You’re at an Increased Risk of Auto Theft When Warming Up Your Car

While NC has a lower rate of auto thefts than other states around the country, it’s certainly a concern. According to a study listed on MSN, there were 15,000 car stolen in 2015 alone, and the numbers have continued to rise. These staggering numbers mean that you must be careful when warming up your car and leaving your car unattended.

A vehicle that’s running idle is an invitation for grand theft auto. If you don’t have a self-start system that locks while it’s running, you would need a couple of sets of keys to keep it safe. However, many people don’t bother with such measures. They leave the car unlocked, thinking that it will be safe, as they’re close by.

Sadly, even though a car might be parked in your driveway, there’s still a significant risk of it being stolen. Did you know that professional car thieves actually watch for things like this as it makes their job easier? If you allow your car to run idle without being locked, you’re a target for crime.

Final Thoughts on Warming Up Your Car

People think it’s essential to warm up their car because their parents and grandparents did it. Getting into a toasty car is a time-honored tradition that folks have grown to accept. While the previous generations may have done this trick, it was because their engines were quite different than the ones of today.

The modern internal combustion engine doesn’t require warming up your car. It was good to let the engines get warm back in the day, but the vehicles on the highways now are much more sophisticated and have a whole different setup. You’re not worried about carbonators and crank start engines, so don’t worry about warming up those up either.

Car Repairs to Make Before You Sell, According to the Most Trusted Auto Shop in Winston-Salem

Car Repairs to Make Before You Sell, According to the Most Trusted Auto Shop in Winston-Salem

Are you thinking about selling your car, truck or SUV? Maybe you wonder if you need to make car repairs before you sell? Or should you just drive it to the dealership or list it online in as-is condition? This is a common question customers ask at the most trusted auto shop in Winston-Salem, Cloverdale Auto.

Why Make Car Repairs Before You Sell?

Putting a little money and effort into car repairs before you sell can pay off multiple times over. Of course, it is important that your car looks clean and in good physical shape at first glance. This good first impression is much like curb appeal when selling a house. If the car looks bad from the initial look, you can bank on the buyers thinking the inner workings are in disrepair, too.

Most buyers want a vehicle they can drive off the lot with confidence. Few, if any, will want to have a list of immediate car repairs they must make from the start. So before selling, make the obviously necessary car repairs for them. Simply drive the vehicle to Cloverdale Auto, the most trusted automobile repair shop in Winston-Salem, and we will get things buyer ready for you.

Of course, the car you are selling does not have to be in perfect shape. After all, it is not new. But you want the buyers to feel satisfied with their purchase. This satisfaction comes from knowing you were scrupulous enough to make necessary car repairs before you sell. Proof of the upkeep and repairs can even boost the selling price higher. You can have confidence in knowing your vehicle is worth the asking price.

Important Car Repairs to Make Before Selling

Below are some of the most important car repairs to make before you sell:


Scratched, cracked and chipped auto glass is unsightly and dangerous. These are necessary car repairs any buyer can see immediately. Besides the glass of your windows and windshield, you should also repair the power windows and replace the wiper blades.


Worn out tires are another important car repair to make before selling. As with glass, these flawed parts are easy to see and create big red flags for anyone interested in buying your vehicle. To make a better first impression and ensure the timely sale of your car, get the tires replaced at the most trusted auto shop in Winston-Salem.


Although a buyer cannot see the brake condition without getting the under the car and knowing something about these systems, they will notice worn out brakes if they go on a test drive. This is especially true with squeaky or grinding brakes. If these are in poor condition before you sell your car, the buyer will not trust that you effectively maintained other parts.


Before you sell, you do not have to make major car repairs like engine replacement. But you should take your vehicle in for a tune-up. The fluids should be fresh and at the proper levels. You also need an oil change while having the air filter, engine hoses and wires checked.

If parts are torn, cracked or worn out, have them replaced. Once this work is done and the engine has cooled, wipe down the surface of the engine to enable your potential buyers to read fluid levels and see the working parts.

Spark Plugs

Aging spark plugs cause engine idling problems. This is something a buyer will easily notice. Have your spark plugs replaced before you sell at the most trusted auto shop in Winston-Salem.

Other Important Steps to Take Before You Sell

Besides driving your vehicle into the most trusted auto shop in Winston-Salem for the above repairs, you also need to invest some elbow grease of your own. These steps include:

  • Deep clean the interior
  • Remove all personal effects
  • Get new inspection tags

The Most Trusted Auto Shop in Winston-Salem

At Cloverdale Auto on Cloverdale Avenue, we provide our customers with the service we would want to receive. Our highly skilled technicians provide professional auto repair services in a clean, relaxed and friendly environment. This is why our female-owned business is the most trusted auto shop in Winston-Salem. Bring your vehicle in before you sell, so we can help you make important car repairs to get the selling price you deserve. Schedule your appointment today by calling 336-331-3448.

Winter Weather Prep For Your Vehicle

Winter Weather Prep For Your Car & Truck

» Sadly, summer is over and winter weather will soon be upon you. Before you know it, the temperatures will be plummeting. All drivers should do a little winter prep work prior to the freezing weather. With icy roads and freezing conditions, make sure that your car or truck has these key maintenance tips checked & or performed to it in preparation. Read through this winter weather prep tip list below.

1. Have Your Tires Inspected, Rotated, Repaired, Or Replaced To Have Your Car Or Truck Winter Weather Prepped & Ready

Replacing old worn tires is #1 on this tip list. Poor traction during the winter weather serves no one well. Whether you have summer or winter tires, or even all season tires, tread that is out of specs provides little to no traction. And no traction no matter the season is a big no no.

Summer tires are thinner and contain less tread than winter tires. They don’t need to grip the road as securely. In the winter, with icy and snowy roads, you’ll want that extra grip. Winter tires are also generally tougher. While adding chains to your tires can be an effective method for further making your car winter-road ready, most drivers can get away with a simple exchange or rotation of tires.

2. Window Washer Fluid That Has Freeze Protection & Operational Wiper Blades

It is amazing how dirty your car or truck can become during the winter. It’s no wonder what with all the muck, salt, and debris trapped in the cold slushy weather. Your go-to for keeping your windshield clean is your window washer fluid. A simple tug of a lever and the washer fluid and windshield wipers work hard to clean the windshield. As long as it’s not frozen.

Of course, this tip is contingent upon where you live and how cold it gets. If temperatures where you live ever get near or below freezing, this tip is certainly for you. Keep your washer fluid full with low temperature tolerant fluid. Meaning the fluid will stay in a liquid state completely until it drops below the fluid’s low limit (most are around -20 degrees F).

Also, have your windshield wipers inspected. It’s very important to have fully functional wiper blades to wipe the windshield washing fluid back and forth across your windshield. If your blades are not up to par, clear vision while driving is worth every penny of the cost of new blades.

Freeze resistant windshield wiping fluid alongside good working wiper blades are a key items concerning winter weather prep for your car or truck. Because let’s face it, no one can travel safely if they can’t see out of their windshield.


3. Maintain Your Recommended Oil Change Schedule & Be Mindful Of Mileage Traveled Between Oil Changes

Thorough winter weather prep for your car or truck most certainly includes getting an oil change. No doubt you were driving a great deal during the summer. Your car needs a little bit of tender love and care after that.

Getting your car or truck’s oil drained & filled, as well as a fresh new oil filter is paramount to the longevity of your vehicle. It will help ensure that your car is purring all throughout the winter. When other cars are lining up outside of the shop because of a simple need, you can drive on by because you’ve already done it.


4. Be Certain Your Fuel Filter In Fully Up To Par

It’s also not a bad idea to have the fuel filter inspected or changed out every now and then. You should always your manufacturer’s recommended scheduled maintenance. However, scheduled maintenance is not always all you will need.

Over time, it’s possible that water may begin to accumulate in your gas tank. Gasoline contains ethanol. Ethanol loves water. It’s hydrophilic which means it bonds to water. The air is full of water vapor. Ultimately water vapor collects and becomes water droplets. If your tank has too much water in it instead of gasoline, then it can cause some significant problems.

Occasionally, you may notice your vehicle operating a little more sluggish than its typical.One possible cause is a partially clogged fuel filter. The last thing you want is to be stranded on the side of the road because the car can’t receive the fuel it needs. Winter weather prep for your car or truck definitely includes maintaining an operational fuel filter. As well as a water free gas tank.


» Not everyone keeps a kit in their car or truck equipped for cold temperatures. Although it wouldn’t be a bad idea. Stave off being stuck on the side of the road in freezing conditions by following the winter weather prep tips for your car or truck. Cleary, preparatory work is key. You should accomplish this before winter weather hits. Make your winter driving season warmer by bringing your vehicle in to your mechanic for its winter weather prep.


Cloverdale Auto Service Professionals Know What It Takes To Winter Weather Prep Your Vehicle

If You Live In Or Around The Winston Salem, NC Area Stop By & See Us

2020 Cloverdale Ave, Winston-Salem, NC 27103

OR Call To Schedule An Appt

(336) 331-3448



sports cars mechanics

Five Used Sports Cars That Are Reliable and Affordable to Maintain


Often times, sports cars tend to be a bit more expensive to upkeep. However, that’s not always the case. Here are five used sports cars that have a history of being reliable and affordable to maintain.

2010-2015 Dodge Challenger R/T
If you need more space to stretch out, the Dodge Challenger R/T will prove to be a great option. Even tall folks can easily fit behind the wheel. Most importantly, its Hemi V8 engine is powerful and durable. With more than 370 horsepower resting under the hood, this American muscle car is definitely potent enough to put a grin on your face. Try to find a well-kept Challenger R/T with less than 100,000 miles on the odometer. You shouldn’t have to worry about experiencing any major mechanical failures.

1995-2004 Ford Mustang GT
The legendary Ford Mustang GT has always delivered a strong performance. Drivers who don’t want to spend a lot of money on repairs should look for a 1996-2004 Ford Mustang GT. It comes equipped with Ford’s bulletproof 4.6-liter, V8 engine. When serviced regularly, this engine can easily surpass 250,000 miles with no issues. A beautiful exhaust note adds to the excitement. Although an automatic transmission is available, you’ll find the manual gearbox to be far more entertaining.

2015-2018 Lexus RC
Lexus has a reputation for building dependable vehicles. The RC coupe is no exception. It’s a great alternative to a European sports car. You can get one with either a V6 or V8 engine. While the V6-powered Lexus RC will save you more money on gas, the high-revving V8 engine really cranks up the performance. All of this car’s major components are built to withstand the test of time.

2009-2015 Nissan 370Z
The Nissan 370Z has a racing pedigree that very few cars can match. Fortunately, it is also known for being a trouble-free performance machine. Replacement parts are also quite affordable. Power comes from a tried-and-true 3.7-liter, DOHC V6 engine. While the 370Z is quick enough for you to have some fun, it’s not dangerously fast. Expect to hit 60 mph in around 5.5 seconds. That’s just enough kicks for first-time sports car owners.

2002-2006 Acura RSX Type-S
Drivers will have a hard time finding a more dependable sports car than the Acura RSX Type-S. It’s a testament to Acura’s commitment to building long-lasting vehicles. Even if you’re on a tight budget, you’ll be able to afford to own an Acura RSX Type-S. Parts, such as brake pads and spark plugs, are very easy on the wallet. Strong fuel economy is yet another plus. Don’t hesitate to make this exciting ride your daily-driver. Motivating the RSX Type-S is an invigorating VTEC four-cylinder engine, which was developed by Honda. Output stands at a healthy 201 horsepower.


Tips to Keep Your Car Running at Its Best

If you want to keep your car running like new for as long as possible, you are likely wondering what steps you should take to reach your goal. Having a few things in mind and keeping up with standard maintenance can do wonders for any car, and you will be pleased with the outcome. You can avoid many costly repair fees and let your car consume as little fuel as possible, saving you money in transportation costs. A well-maintained car will run properly and be there for you when you need it the most, and this guide shows you where to begin.

Change the Oil

An adequate supply of clean oil is important for the smooth operation of your vehicle. Oil allows the parts of your engine to work together and do their job without stress that could cause damage. Your engine will keep you moving as long as you don’t forget to change your oil on a regular basis. Engines with low or dirty oil encounter friction that can damage vital components before long, a mistake nobody would want to make. In most cases, you can do well by changing your oil every 3,000 miles under normal driving conditions.

Check Transmission Fluid

Transmission fluid lets your engines switch gears so that you can have the power you need to drive down the road. Of all the things that could go wrong with a car, the transmission is one of the most expensive. Make sure your transmission is in top shape unless you want to shell out the cash for the repairs. One of the most important things you can do is keeping your transmission fluid level where it should be. If you don’t know how to check the transmission fluid, ask the staff to do it the next time you change your oil.

Suspension System

Making up your suspension system, your struts, springs, shocks and tires are critical for keeping your car on the road and you in control. If your suspension system runs into problems along the way and you fail to address it, you could find yourself facing other issues.

For example, those who don’t fix suspension problems could notice uneven tire wear, which could cause the tire to go flat or burst. Look in your owner’s manual to see how often you should replace your suspension if you don’t want to end up in a bad position, and you will save yourself a lot of money over the long run.

Final Thoughts

Getting the most from your car is not hard but requires you to keep up with routine maintenance. Putting in a little effort can take you far when your mission is to keep your car on the road for years to come. Even if you don’t plan to keep the same car forever, taking care of it now improves the resell value in the future.

Changing the oil on time and keeping up with other issues is a smart move you don’t want to overlook if you care about the performance of your car. The tips you have learned empower you to reduce the odds of breakdowns and other problems.

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Our commitment to you is to provide timely and consistent automotive services with integrity, quality, and value. We ensure that each and every client experiences the highest standard of customer assistance and satisfaction. Our experienced staff of highly skilled technicians and customer service representatives provides professional service in a relaxed, clean and friendly environment. We feel comfortable saying that once you try our service you won’t go anywhere else. (If you feel like your mechanic is practicing at your expense or you’re not quite sure that you trust them, it’s time to see us!)

Gas Efficient

More Money in Your Pocket by Reducing Gas Consumption

With the cost of living on the rise, most of us are looking for creative ways to cut spending and save money. You can reach that goal by keeping a few tips in mind to save money on fuel each week, and you will smile when you notice the difference. The way you drive and treat your car impacts the amount of gas you use, so making a few small changes can do wonders to keep even more money in your pocket. Some people overlook these tips because they can only save a dollar or two, but each dollar you save adds up over time.

Go Easy on the Gas

If you are like many other people, you have a busy life that does not give you a lot of time to relax and unwind, so you want to get to your destination as quickly as you can. You step on the gas and push your car to give you a fast acceleration without thinking about it. The problem, though, is that putting the pedal to the floor uses much more gas than a gentle acceleration. Accelerating slowly gives your car time to change gears before hitting high speeds, and your wallet will thank you.

Go Easy on the Breaks

Many people wait until the last minute to put on the breaks at stop signs and traffic lights. If you do the same thing, you should know that you are using much more fuel than you need. Keeping your car at full speed as you approach a stop sign is a waste of forwarding energy since you will be stopping anyway. While it might not seem like much, if you waste several hundred feet of movement each time you stop, the costs can rise faster than you suspect. Ease off the gas and come to a slow, gentle stop.

Change Your Air Filter

Your engine needs plenty of fresh air to run well and keep you on the road, and it can’t suck up dirt and other contaminants. Your air filter removes impurities from the air before they have time to enter your engine, but air filters get clogged over time. A dirty air filter restricts airflow and makes it much harder for your engine to do its job. You will then pay much more in gas than you need. With that in mind, a new air filter is one of the top investments you can make as far as fuel economy is concerned.

Final Thoughts

Too many people waste more gas than they know because they are not aware of the tips you have just learned. If you don’t want to overpay at the pump, taking care of your car and paying attention to the way you drive lets you reach your goal without much effort. Some people are stunned to see how much fuel they can save over a month or two, and you will likely feel the same way if you have never used these fuel-saving tips.


Our commitment to you is to provide timely and consistent automotive services with integrity, quality, and value. We ensure that each and every client experiences the highest standard of customer assistance and satisfaction. Our experienced staff of highly skilled technicians and customer service representatives provides professional service in a relaxed, clean and friendly environment. We feel comfortable saying that once you try our service you won’t go anywhere else. (If you feel like your mechanic is practicing at your expense or you’re not quite sure that you trust them, it’s time to see us!)

Audi Check Engine Light

Common Reasons for the Audi Check Engine Light to Illuminate 


The check engine light is the bane of new car drivers everywhere. However, when you own an Audi, you may wonder specifically why this light has illuminated and what it is trying to tell you. You can take the best care of your Audi by learning about the most common reasons for why the check engine light comes on in these vehicles and what you should do about it as the car’s owner.

Loose Gas Cap

One of the most common reasons that an Audi check engine light would come on is simply because the gas cap is loose. If your car does not give you a warning signal of a LOOSE GAS CAP or GAS CAP, it might instead illuminate the check engine light.

When the cause of the light stems from the gas cap being loose, your car most likely will not exhibit any outward symptoms of malfunction like engine misfiring or engine stalling. Still, you should verify that the gas cap is loose and if necessary replace it with one that is specifically designed for your Audi make and model.

Oxygen Sensors

Another common reason for the Audi check engine light to come on involves faulty oxygen sensors. When the oxygen sensors in your car’s engine malfunction, they can trigger the check engine light to illuminate.

In this instance, it can be easy to assume that the light is on because of a loose gas cap. However, you should take your car into a skilled mechanic’s shop and have the codes read for why the Audi check engine light has come on suddenly. If it indicates that the oxygen sensors need to be replaced, you should allow an experienced mechanic to make the repairs for you rather than attempt it yourself.

Ignition Coils or Coil packs

When the ignition coils or coil packs in your engine malfunction, they will trigger the Audi check engine light to illumine. This malfunction will often be accompanied by notable symptoms like the engine shaking or misfiring. These symptoms should alert you to immediately stop driving the car and have it taken to an experienced mechanic’s shop.

Replacing or repairing the ignition coils or coil packs requires intricate knowledge of the Audi engine.

Catalytic Converter

Finally, a faulty catalytic converter can trigger the Audi check engine to come on suddenly and without warning. As with malfunctioning ignition coils or coil packs, a bad catalytic converter can be accompanied by symptoms like shaking or misfiring. You should take these symptoms as hints to stop driving your car and have it serviced immediately.

Repairing a catalytic converter in an Audi can be a complex job. It is crucial that you allow an experienced Audi mechanic to make this repair for you rather than attempt it on your own.

Check Engine Light

These issues are some of the most common for why the check engine light may come on while you are driving your Audi. Many times, the light will illuminate even if your car does not exhibit any symptoms.

Because your car seems to be driving fine, it can be tempting to ignore the light and assume that it will go off on its own. It is true that if the cause stems from a faulty gas cap, the light will reset itself and go off two to three days after you tighten or replace the cap. Otherwise, the light will remain illuminated until you have the codes read on your Audi and you figure out why the light came on in the first place.

Regardless of why your Audi check engine light came on in your , it is crucial that you do not ignore it. You also should resist driving your car for a prolonged period of time even if it does not exhibit any symptoms. You should allow a skilled mechanic to read the codes on the engine and make the recommended repairs immediately.

More about the Check Engine Light

If the Audi check engine light comes on or starts flashing while your car exhibits symptoms like engine misfiring or shaking, it is critical that you stop driving it immediately and instead have it towed rather than driven to a mechanic’s shop. A flashing check engine light indicates that something is seriously wrong with your engine. You should never drive your Audi while the check engine light is flashing.

The Audi check engine light tells you that something is amiss with your vehicle. You may be tempted to ignore it. However, you should have the engine codes read and the car repaired by a mechanic who is experienced in working on all types of Audi makes and models.