Auto Maintenance Winter Checklist

Auto mechanic winter checklist


Although you may hate to admit it, the summer is crawling to an end. Before you know it, the temperatures will be plummeting. Along with your winter coat, you’ll likely also be pulling out the old snow brush to place in your car. However, there are a few other steps that you should take to prepare your car for the winter. With icy roads and freezing conditions, make sure that your car has had these key maintenance procedures done to it in preparation.

1. Tire Change

One of the first steps you should take is to have your summer tires changed to winter tires. Many people likely don’t think that tires make a difference on the road, but they do. Summer tires are thinner and contain less tread than winter tires. They don’t need to grip the road as securely.

In the winter, with icy and snowy roads, you’ll want that extra grip. Winter tires are also generally tougher. While adding chains to your tires can be an effective method for further making your car winter-road ready, most drivers can get away with a simple exchange of tires.

2. Window Washer Fluid Additive

It can sometimes be amazing how dirty your car can become during the winter. With all the muck, salt, and other debris trapped in the snow, it’s no wonder. Your go-to for keeping your windshield clean is your window washer. A simple tap of a button and the washer fluid cleans the windshield, so you can see through it.

However, if you don’t add a specific kind of fluid into the reserve or don’t add a de-frosting additive to it, then the fluid can freeze. The next time you go to use your washers, you’ll find that the liquid is frozen in the tank. When seeing outside of your windshield is paramount, you don’t want to find yourself with frozen liquid.

3. Oil Change

The winter season, or just before it, is also a great time to make sure your vehicle has had proper maintenance. No doubt you were driving a great deal during the summer. Your car needs a little bit of tender love and care after that. Having its oil checked, changed, and have more oil added as necessary is a great decision. It will help ensure that your car is purring all throughout the winter. When other cars are lining up outside of the shop because of a simple need, you can drive on by because you’ve already done it.

4. Fuel Filter

It’s also not a bad idea to have the fuel filter inspected or changed out every now and then. As it ages, gasoline starts to turn into water. If your tank has too much water in it instead of gasoline, then it can cause some problems. Sometimes your filter needs to be changed out, too, to ensure that your car can receive the fuel it needs efficiently.

The last thing you want is to be stranded on the side of the road because your gas is bad or because the car can’t receive the fuel it needs. Not everyone keeps a kit in their car equipped for cold temperatures. Stave off being stuck on the side of the road in freezing conditions by having your gas tank and filter examined and changed.

Clearly, there are a few steps that you should take before winter hits. Your winter checklist for auto maintenance should include all of the above at the very least. Make your winter driving season easier by having these necessary auto maintenance procedures performed on your car today.

Cloverdale Auto Service is the Best in Winston Salem, NC when it comes to Winter Auto Repair.